Comments about #71846

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Clever grid! Quite original, which can be a bit of a rarity after almost 80,000 submissions. Liked the soft drinks category, though there are too many of them to cycle through, it was easy to eliminate them by solving the other categories. One thing, I struggled to describe one or two of the categories in a way that would be accepted as an answer. 'Language', for example, not accepted but I know what I meant. Similarly for folklore, I went for 'mythical'. Not that I'm bothered by the lack of points awarded. I knew what I meant, and I know I meant what you meant you meant.
(1 year, 7 months ago)

Agree with Toferino, I thinkā€¦ Nice grid. Thank you
(1 year, 7 months ago)

I also agree with Toferino - 5 stars from me :)
(1 year, 7 months ago)