Comments about #79607

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The “trans____” group is extremely incorrect. It only works for “plant.”
(10 months ago)

Loved the ant group.
Andperr is correct; watch spellings in the trans group. It's transCend, translate (no double s), and transit (no double s).

(10 months ago)

Trans grouping is awful. Like Kristin and Andperr said, the spellings are all wrong and only one of the four works as an answer.
(10 months ago)

Loved the "ant" and "news" groups. The others didn't really work.
(10 months ago)

Terry Ratball
Sorry to say, but this is Terry's bad Grid of the Day. You get Terry's comment of shame. Thanks for making though.
(10 months ago)

Hello, all! Sorry about the mistake. Temporary insanity.I've fixed it now. Whoops.
(10 months ago)