Comments about #75201

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I question whether Tex is really a man's name, and obviously a lot of folk will not know Orange Juice is a Scottish band or that Seaview is a fictional submarine - in what book? Poor, in my opinion.
(1 year ago)

Enjoyed this - love Runrig!
(1 year ago)

Tex - nah!
(1 year ago)

Two good groups. One obscure. 1one dubious
(1 year ago)

Hm. With hindsight, yes I admit Tex is a stretch. Sorry about that.
But as for some of the knowledge being obscure... I didn't have to look up any of that information, and I'm no trivia buff. By all means rate it high for difficulty if you think it's obscure, but describing a wall as 'poor' just because you didn't know something - it feels like you're throwing a tantrum because you got beaten, to be honest.
(1 year ago)