Comments about #75052

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The S line needs tweaking. Not bad TY
(1 year, 1 month ago)

Maybe lose the capital T from Tone so it fits the S group as an overlap…

As it’s written with spurious capitalisation elsewhere and few red herrings - it made for a very easy grid - pretty decent but not quite as good as it maybe should have been.
(1 year, 1 month ago)

Another Spanish speaking country would surely make more sense than Tenerife? It's a bit like having England & Jersey in the same group if English was the link. Otherwise nice grid.
(1 year ago)

I enjoyed that grid, thank you for posting. As Neil pointed out, it was really easy to spot the S group,simply as they all had lower case first letters. It might have been better to make them start with a capital to disguise the link a little. On the other hand, maybe easy was what you were going for, and it was a fun grid nonetheless.
(1 year ago)