Comments about #5651

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RE: Group 1 - The answer 'mythical cities' is an inaccurate one. The word mythical refers to someone from myth, as in, not derivative of one particular fictional sort, but of a concept that has transcended said sort to become something more. El Dorado does indeed fit into this category,as would, say, Atlantis. However, Gotham, King's Landing, and Emerald are fictional cities, as in, places that exist within a specific, fictional world, one with which they are exclusively associated.

Otherwise, nice one, good work...
(8 years, 9 months ago)

Rather obscure.
(8 years, 9 months ago)

Not particularly obscure. Anonymous - the groups are not in a fixed order. Orange Glow , two pieces of advice. It gives the game away to start some groups with lower case letters. Also don't put anchovies in a salad nicoise (or in anything except w bin).Don't even think about ruining toast. Thanks.
(8 years, 9 months ago)

Yvonne M
I found this harder than expected from a grid rated 'medium' but I expect to improve the more I do.
(8 years, 9 months ago)

Nice one, but put all answers in capitals or some stand out.
(8 years, 9 months ago)

Thanks for the grid I don't think of turquoise as a shade of green - it's more blue! Maybe it's my eyes!
(7 years, 8 months ago)