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Any feedback on this grid would be helpful. It’s my first one. Just trying to get into it.
(2 years, 7 months ago)

(2 years, 7 months ago)

Hi Weeble, there are people far more experienced on here than me but my feedback on this is that it’s a sound grid that works well. I would allow synonyms for one of the lines ( unless it was just that I mistyped it ). And I was glad that you allowed ‘different sounds’ as a more general description for another. Some people seem to care whether their connection is accepted though it really doesn’t bother me.

Finally, the same advice that I was given when I started a few weeks ago - the hardest part is coming up with original ideas. It’s hard when so many grids have been constructed but recurring themes are NATO phonetic alphabet, cluedo, dances and Hitchcock movies. It’s inevitable but don’t stress too much as there will be new people joining who haven’t seen them. You’ll get ideas as you come along. Have fun!
(2 years, 7 months ago)

Great first grid. You don’t look like a novice. Harry Potter is another recurring theme.
(2 years, 7 months ago)

Fab quiz, but 3 mins was too little time for me
(2 years, 7 months ago)