Comments about #50623

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ARD 41
Was loving this grid, but I am not a fan of groups that aren’t connected to each other but to members of the other groups. The other 3 groups are great.
(2 years, 9 months ago)

david A garcia
I agree, although I do admire the meta twist.
(2 years, 9 months ago)

As a Brit I’ve no idea who plays in the NBA or defunct American car brands
(2 years, 9 months ago)

Rather US-specific. Didn't like the group that was just anagrams of another group (even though I managed to spot the pairs)
(2 years, 9 months ago)

As clever as it is, I don’t love that you have to get one group before you can even attempt another group.
(2 years, 9 months ago)