Comments about #50156

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St John
I liked it, thought you were wick, and cute with your choices, a smart clever grid, if Nighteyes doesn't mind, ty Pookman6
(2 years, 10 months ago)

Excellent grid. I really enjoyed this one. I was thinking Biden for the Hunter one.
(2 years, 10 months ago)

(2 years, 10 months ago)

leg bye, neck or nothing are these translations from Estonian or what? make no sense to me.
(2 years, 10 months ago)

Bigz, this is a general knowledge site. Is everyone expected to know everything? Leg bye is a common cricket term and neck or nothing is a term used in good old plain English, meaning all or nothing. If you haven't got anything positive to say about grids, hush your lips.
(2 years, 10 months ago)

P.s. Thanks St John and Hamburger, I much preferred your comments!
(2 years, 10 months ago)

And P.p.s...
Sort your punctuation out before you criticise others, Bigz.
(2 years, 10 months ago)

Nice grid. Took a minute,but managed my confetti.Thanks!
(2 years, 10 months ago)