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cringer but fun ty
(3 years ago)

Nice ty. It was indeed a "cringer" which sounds like the fruit of mixing a brown shade & oap hair. Memory is not my strongest point, but I seem to recall someone (was it Ducky?) last year quoting the dictionary at me to prove the car starter was a shade of green? Not worth me checking, but maybe one for Mr Picky.
(3 years ago)

Obscurious, I thought so too but it originates from urdu meaning of dirt colour and is listed in browns - I was surprised.
(2 years, 12 months ago)

Mr Picky
There is a mixture of singulars and plurals in some groups. Car starter, Brown shade, Military cloth and OAP hair should be in the plural.
[Thanks, Obscurious, for remembering me although I have not answered to your point.]
(2 years, 12 months ago)

@Mr Picky - no need, I think LD covered it. Not intending to steal your thunder, but can't hair be both singular and plural? [Quickly digs fox hole and seeks cover...]
(2 years, 12 months ago)

Wouldn't brown shades imply a variety of hues though? Also, could cloth be singular and plural, or it would say military cloths?
Seriously Obscurious - detention for you again, for resurrecting
Mr Picky!
(2 years, 12 months ago)

Sorry LD, suitably chastened and will accept my punishment. On the bright side, I will now always picture Mr Picky as an Undead or one of the Auditors from Discworld.
(2 years, 12 months ago)