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Very enjoyable. I am not sure if it was an easy one in general or just because I have used all of those groups before (Not in one grid of course). Thanks for posting.
(3 years ago)

Mister Tom
A nice subversion of an old chestnut
(3 years ago)

Sneaky Queen red herring !
(3 years ago)

Adam Harvey
I love running - Im so much faster than James Ellison and Vernon Chapman. I mean, can they even run? Vernon Chapman also invented Nescafe if you didn't already know. IG also tells me that im not very good at building stuff.
(3 years ago)

As Juno and Diana are both large asteroids, a solar system, or medium sized objects orbiting the sun discovered before 1883, would also be corrct
(3 years ago)

Good wall, but I should be able to say "flies" for the category "___Fly"
(3 years ago)