Comments about #43932

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-only made for film buffs
(3 years, 3 months ago)

Glitch, cannot enter answers
(3 years, 3 months ago)

Working now, got 4/10 not so hot on BB or Eric. Do love a good movie quiz. Cheers
(3 years, 3 months ago)

Stj, I know it is a tough one, glad you tried it
(3 years, 3 months ago)

A little too niche and themed around one subject. Not fun to play. It relies on book knowledge rather than using logic.
These should be puzzles, not questions.
(3 years, 3 months ago)

@Matt, that is why I list it as Buff and also add a message saying "only made for film buffs". Don't want people who are not interested in the topic to waste their time. (It would be nice if people who do sci fi/fantasy and computer games gave a similar warning?) : )
(3 years, 3 months ago)

Your comment about only being for film buffs can only be seen after you’ve completed the puzzle though.
Even with that, you’re just listing 4 films by 4 different directors. The best boards require a bit of logic, a red herring here and there. This is straight quizzing.
(3 years, 3 months ago)

hank you for your constructive comments. I'm sorry you are disappointed Matt. Please don't feel obliged to do my grids - particularly those with Buff added to my name. I do many styles of grids, I just like more variety than the ones with oft repeated groups. Its not much of a red herring when you've seen it several times in a week. Stjohn found it fun, you did not. To each his own perhaps?
(3 years, 3 months ago)

Nice to see a film quiz, even if its one I can't do.
(3 years, 3 months ago)