Comments about #31388

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(4 years ago)

Some really good stuff there, chuckled at Balding, thank you
(4 years ago)

Too Cryptic. Impossible
(4 years ago)

5/10 but enjoyed the challenge.
I've read your comments on mine and other peoples cryptic grids similar to what Joe has left on yours, that's the thing with cryptic clues one doesn't always manage to 'get inside' another's thought patterns but it doesn't call for such harsh critique.
They are supposed to be a bit of fun at the end of the day :)
(4 years ago)

I'm with Soozy. I don't think they were overly cryptic, I managed to get 3 groups. I still don't understand Blood, sand, Celluloid though
(4 years ago)

Very true, Soozy. I feel that to construct a grid which is both cryptic AND obscure is very difficult for the solver. I try, with my cryptic ones to make the categories fairly accessible eg colours, seasons.
Sorry if I’ve offended anyone. Now Soozy you’ve been quiet recently...
(4 years ago)

Celluloid is what films are made of.’ Blood and sand’ is used often as a description for gory films of Ancient Rome.
(4 years ago)

@primrose - Cheers, every day's a school day.
(4 years ago)