Comments about #30849

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So pleased ones like this are getting a following but would be nice to have more for me to solve, so get compiling peeps :)
(4 years ago)

Firstly, love these, and agree more of same ilk would be great. I think you have had a good idea in starting ones #ID with "cryptic" to advertise the type of grid, I will follow suit. Having said that 2/10 cooer missus. Cryptic is certainly the word. 7th french letter = ash ergo looking for trees :-))
(4 years ago)

I did better than your second one 2/10
Keep them coming
(4 years ago)

Amazed I got 3/10, solved one guessed the rest.
Excellent, thanks for posting
(4 years ago)

7/10 Very happy with that! Love this grid and all your cryptic ones!
(4 years ago)