Comments about #30363

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Fun groups, but Jupiter can be swapped with Mars etc. so there's not a unique solution?
(4 years ago)

Got the groups but struggled with the connections, put 'ground coverings' and 'life forms'
(4 years ago)

yeah I wrote 'ground' and it didn't count.
I disagree with bloss, it doesn't matter if one can be swapped - thats half of the game
(4 years ago)

organisms? (more specific than living creatures)
(4 years ago)

Nice one but trees aren’t creatures
(4 years ago)

Great bit of fun got 6/10 but only because I didn't get the link wording correct. Thx for posting.
Bloss is correct btw higilo, to be unique maybe the red herring should have been pluto because that wouldn't go in the Hermes group.
But hey ho it's only suppose to be a bit of fun.
(4 years ago)