Comments about #24296

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Got the Virgin one and the Pizza one quickly, after that it fell into place.
Good grid!
(4 years, 8 months ago)

Like the Parlophone and Bed groups with the fake group mixed in. Slight issue with dingo - doesn’t belong in that group I believe.
Many thanks :-)
(4 years, 8 months ago)

A dingo is definitely NOT a wolf. A dingo is what escaped dogs reverted to after many generations of natural selection. The phrase "Dingo wolf" is meaningless.
(4 years, 8 months ago)

Dingo not a wolf
(4 years, 8 months ago)

Surely dingo is in the dog family, pretty obvious to which group it should go. Some nice red herrings, especially the non-existent ocean group. Apart from the dingo issue, a nice grid.
(4 years, 8 months ago)