Comments about #15169

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Andy P
In retrospect, this is a bit easy with weak overlaps, but hopefully it's still fun.
(6 years ago)

Fun... almost missed the sex connection. Thanks for setting, as always.
(6 years ago)

Enjoyable grid nonetheless, don't be so hard on yourself
(6 years ago)

Matty Mungbean
Great Grid, would question if Cleopatra were either successful or popular (LOL), come in at ya
(6 years ago)

7/10 with 19 seconds left.

Missed the Sex connection, but the wall was nice and easy. Some of the more obscure items prevented it from becoming too easy. Good one.
(6 years ago)

7/10. I guess I pronounce Act wrong or differently.
Fun board.
(6 years ago)

10/10! "Act" is quite a stretch, while the other three in that group are close enough I wouldn't complain.
(6 years ago)

Nice one. Managed the groups but missed the sex act connection. Nothing to do with the accuracy of the homophones. Just didn't see it.
(6 years ago)

Mister Tom
Extra half star for the explanations. Just don't show it to an actual German speaker ;-p
(6 years ago)

Andy P
Ha well I speak fluent German, and it's my job to speak it, so I thought it was alright.
(6 years ago)

Nothing wrong with an easier one now and again. Danke, Andy!
(6 years ago)

Did not see the last connection, good work.
(5 years, 3 months ago)

Oatcake Eater
German number pronunciations pretty poor. The French count -
an, der, twa I suppose.
(5 years, 2 months ago)